

  • Mr. Potter

    • Cole Disney - Cole is an exceptional all-around student.  He consistently embodies our PRIDE expectations.  Consistently he is positive, respectful, involved, determined, and excellent.  His work is always top-notch and his involvement in class makes class run better.  He is a deep thinker, smart, and hard-working, all great qualities that will help now and in the future.

  • Mrs. Faith

    • Bryannah Sidwell- Bryannah is a wonderful person. She is the first to volunteer to help; whether that be to water the greenhouse, move supplies around, work the concession stand, or help another student with a project. She is a ray of sunshine in my day, always smiling and laughing. I know she will go far in anything she pursues with her top-notch work ethic and positive attitude. Thank you for being a role model for those around you Bryannah. Keep shining!

  • Mrs. Nelson 

    • Xander Wulf - Xander is a student that shines without wanting the attention of others. He doesn’t seek praise for doing good things, and he is a calm presence in a middle school world of chaos, uncertainty, and finding their own pathway.  He always does what I ask of him, and I have never in almost 2 years heard him complain about anything that we have done during science class.  He has always been respectful to me and has a unique trait in that he honestly cares about others.  He has empathy and even notices when an adult in this building may need an email during one of the toughest weeks of their lives.  I hope that his future is as wonderful as he is!

  • Mr. Kuhl

    • Jordon Johnson- Jordan has completed an extraordinary amount of work in the completion center to catch up on credits and his goal to get to his senior year up to date on credits is now a reality.  Jordan has also helped outside of school by working for staff and has shown to be a reliable and hard worker.  Great Job Jordon, finish the year strong and then enjoy your senior year. Mr. Kuhl