Good evening Spartans! First and foremost, I would like to thank the students, parents and community members for their patience and understanding as we navigate these uncharted waters together. As you may have noticed, much changes on a daily, even hourly basis and we are doing our best to provide you with the information we receive in a timely manner.

Administration met today to try and plan for online and offline learning opportunities for our students. As has been the case recently, however, we received guidance late this afternoon that dramatically impacts the plans we had set forth. We will be reconvening again tomorrow to adjust our plans to meet the new guidance we have been given by the Department of Education. In the meantime, if there are essential items you wish to retrieve from the school, please contact the school at 712-433-2043. The elementary, middle and high school offices are closed, so the superintendent’s office number will be the easiest number in which to reach someone. You may also contact your building principal at or They will also be able to assist you.

Following are some questions we have received that we believe we are able to answer at this time:

Q: Will we have to make up the days we are missing?

A: During the Governor’s most recent press conference today, she indicated that the days we are missing will be waived and will not need to be made up.

Q: Can we still use our fobs to access the weight room and gym?

A: No, the buildings within the district are closed while school is not in session.

Q: Will the school be providing breakfast and/or lunch to students?

A: We are currently working with the state to determine if we will be able to do so.

Q: What about activities that were scheduled during the month we are off of school?

A: Due to the school shutdown by the Governor’s office over the covid-19 spread all activities, practices, concerts, contests, and meets are cancelled by the IHSAA, IGHSAU, and IHSSA over those 4 weeks. Beyond that time period, a decision will be made at a later date. More information can be found on the IHSAA or IGHSAU websites ( / Activities sponsored by the school (such as the musical and prom) are currently postponed until further notice.

If you wish to view the Governor’s press conferences, you will find them on her Facebook page. You may also find the most up-to-date COVID-19 information at and

Julie Trepa
